The Backpack Ministry is a structured city wide, state wide and nationwide program.
In our city wide program, individual churches or organizations are assigned to a specific school. Our assigned school is Niblack Elementary School.
A student who receives food from the program has to meet certain criteria. The school counselor then sends and receives a note of permission from the parents of the particular student.
Why is this ministry needed?
There are over 600 homeless children in Columbia County. There are many, many more children who do not have food to eat. The parents may not be as helpless in many situations as they would like us to think, . . . but the children are.
By joining and being a part of St. James, we have made a serious commitment. This church challenges us to be a community of caregivers. We have many ministries in this church that challenge us to act as Christ would act and as Christ would have us to act in this world. The Backpack ministry is one of them.