
Acolytes – serve at the altar during our worship services Buddy Hines

Altar Guild – prepares the church for each worship service Samantha Chamberlain

Backpack Ministry – provides healthy food to needy school children on weekends Annette Conk

Choir – provides musical leadership for the congregation during the 10 am Sunday worship and otherspecial worship services Paul Steuart

Christian FormationKathy Rountree

Communications Team – continually evaluates and updates our methods of communication to our membership and the community at large Annette Conk

Daughters of the King – a ministry of prayer and service to God Patti Roper, Karen Pigg

Dream Team – a visioning group whose purpose is to discern God’s direction for St. James both now and into the future Joey Chamberlain

Episcopal Church Women – organize and conduct a variety of ministries and fund-rasing events for our parish and the surrounding community Maryanne Willis

Eucharistic Visitors – delivers Holy Communion to our homebound parishioners on Sundays

Feed my Lambs – provides a full hot meal to Lake City’s homeless 2 days per week

Godly Play – helps our youngest members to learn the major stories from the Bible and to understand the basics of our worship Roni Kelly

Greeters – provide a warm and friendly greeting to everyone who comes to worship here at St. James Terry Kitching

Junior Daughters of the King – an introduction to DoK for young girls both within and outside of the congregation Helen Beaty, Tracy Mitchell

Layreaders – proclaim God’s word to the congregation through the reading of lessons, and leading the congregation in the Prayers of the People during worship  Fr. Doug or Deacon Jimmie

Parish Life Team – plans, coordinates and carries out a variety of hospitality events on behalf of the parish Marilyn Rossborough

Prayer Shawl Ministry – knitting prayer shawls for those in need of special prayer and comfort Peg Phillips

Ushers – assist the congregation both before and during worship 8 am Ed Hauck; 10 am Joe Jordan

Vestry – a seven-person team elected to provide leadership for the parish and management of its resources
