Prayer Chain

St. James Prayer Chain is a vital ministry of our Church.

By emailing Gayle Kraynak, you can ask a large number of people to pray for your concern.  When there is a death in the church family or some other tragic event, the prayer chain may also be used to communicate with the parish family.

If you would like to be called to pray for the concerns of others, please contact Gayle Kraynak to be added to the chain. Also, if you are willing to call four or five people with a concern that has been placed on the prayer chain, please inform Gayle.

If you have an intercession that you would like printed in the bulletin, please call the church office 386-752-2218, Monday or Wednesday between 9:00 am and 2:00 pm.

By emailing Gayle Kraynak,  at  ST. JAMES EPISCOPAL CHURCH<
